We had our first overnight visitors! Chad and Amanda were in the Dallas area and decided to come see us. We were pretty excited about that. They stopped and picked up lunch from a place called Woody’s in Centerville, Texas. We had stopped there for gas on our way down. Inside they had smoked meats that smelled heavenly. Clark saw they had turkey legs for $6.95 and had been salivating over them ever since. We didn't get any at the time because we were trying to get to Livingston before dark that day, so we had no time to waste. We may as well have stopped because, if you recall, we didn't make it before dark. Anyway, since they were going to be going right past there, we asked them to stop and pick up two turkey legs for Clark. He would have one for lunch on Saturday and save the other for later. The saying that everything is bigger in Texas certainly proved to be true, at least regarding these turkey legs! Clark was in heaven.
Does this turkey leg make me look small?
Are you sure this is really from a turkey? |
Chad was hangry (said Amanda!) so we ate as soon as they arrived! |
Amanda muggin' it up for Mug root beer. |
Chad and Amanda taught me how to play Farkel. Amanda kept score the first game and beat us bad. Of course, she did confess she forgot to write one of my scores down, so I kept score the next game. Yep, I won that one! We gave Chad a chance to keep score too but he passed on that. Evidently, he didn't mind losing.
Chad and Amanda slept on our couch that makes out into a bed; it has an air mattress. I wasn't sure of the mattress size so I had packed a set of full sheets as well as a set Clark’s mom had used in her RV. I remember at the time she gave them to me she said they were for a ¾ bed. I wasn't sure what that was but I had kept them. I was sure glad because the double bed sheets were too small and hers fit this mattress perfectly! Chad and Amanda said they slept pretty well on it. They did let out a little of the air so it wasn't quite so firm.
Tucking Amanda in for the night.
Looked so comfy I had to try it. |
Guess three's company.
Amanda told Chad to get the pillow - this is an inside joke and it cracked me up!! |
It was a good trial run to see if we could stand to have extra people in such close quarters. We had a good visit and found we could handle 4 people in here pretty well as long as everyone was respectful of each other’s space. Good to know!